Wow another week and another powerful TED talk by a dietitian. I really admire Jo McMillan’s straight talking approach to food and nutrition. I was lucky to have lunch with her recently as we chatted our food philosophies and her upcoming TED talk. So it really was no surprise to see that she delivered fantastic content and powerful messages. But oh boy, she also completely nailed the delivery.
About our expert:
Dr Joanna McMillan is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with a PhD from the University of Sydney who is a nutrition consultant along with her Get Lean program. She is also a trained fitness leader and popular media spokesperson including her role as the official TODAY nutritionist. She writes a weekly column for Sunday Life and is the nutrition expert for several magazines and blogs. Follow her on twitter @joannanutrition
The philosophy of this down-to-earth Scot is simple. She believes that having a healthy relationship with food is just as important as eating nutritious foods, and she regards food as more than the nutrients it contains; rather, it is part of our social connection, our culture and a great source of pleasure in life. Amen to that sista.
It’s wonderful to be able to support colleagues on Scoop Nutrition. I hope you get a chance to tweet Jo if you believe in her messages Scoop lovelies. We are also delighted to announce Scoop Nutrition and dietitian Sally Marchini’s Blog have been nominated as part of the 6 finalists in the BUPA Blog Awards Healthy Eating Category. You can cast your People’s Choice Vote now. Go on! Wouldn’t it be fab to have one of us win.